Old Jalón/Xaló Bridge |
Jalón opens its new, wider and two-directional bridge just a day before the Saturday Jalón Rastro sets up. Good timing!
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Widening of Jalón Bridge |
The bridge has been closed for a couple of months and all drivers have had to take a different route bumping over the river's cobblestones further down the course. This detour was also one-directional like the previous bridge creating delays, traffic and pedestrian problems.
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Blue-domed Jalón Church |
The bridge has gained an extra 10 metres in width, allowing for a double carriageway, plus pavements for pedestrians.
Jalón's Famous Saturday Rastro |
The closure affected the rastro as parking and access became increasingly difficult. But where some lose others profit as the Riu Rau Restaurant (directly on the detour) had an increase in clientele.
The Saturday rastro will be in full swing on the morning of Saturday 25th April with many stallholders and dealers pitching under the bridge, while traffic flows non-stop and pedestrians walk, without having to take their lives in their hands, over the bridge.