DATE: 23rd, 24th & 25th September 2016
TIMES: From 11.00am to 9pm continuously for three days
ENTRY FEE: 5 euros without voucher, 3 euros with voucher
VENUE: IFEPA- The Fairs & Exhibitions PalaceAvda. Gerardo Molina, 45, Torre Pacheco, Murcia
This weekend, Friday 23rd until Sunday 25th September, IFEPA - The Fairs & Exhibitions Palace in Torre Pacheco, Murcia, will once again open its doors for antiques dealers and collectors to exhibit and trade.
More than 100 stallholders from practically all over Spain will participate this year. The fair occupies over 15,000 square metres in Halls B & C of The Fairs and Exhibitions Palace.
More than 100 stallholders from practically all over Spain will participate this year. The fair occupies over 15,000 square metres in Halls B & C of The Fairs and Exhibitions Palace.
Watchmakers, Antiques Martinez, from the "Antique & Second Hand Objects Warehouse - TEMPS PASSATS" in El Vergel, (Alicante), is attending the fair with a large number of antiques and collectables, including clocks of all types and watchmaking equipment and parts.
Unique antique relics and artefacts from bygone eras, full of history and forgotten memory are contrasted in the same space alongside art deco furniture, retro and vintage items and many other objects created in the 60s and 70s.
Besides these, can be found a mosaic of other curios and objects of yore full of charm, style and poignancy such as household linen, jewellery from different periods, handbags, lamps, watches & clocks. The IFEPA fair is a unique opportunity in which to find all types of curiosities and treasures.
This rich diversity of the old and forgotten attracts collectors, professionals, amateurs and antiques lovers alike who will always find some pleasantly surprising collectable or object. Prices, contrary to belief, are not prohibitive, and this vast fair allows for a wide spectrum of very different and varying amounts. And there isn't one antiques dealer who would not expect you to barter. So go ahead!

Figures may range from a sum as small as €3 up to thousands of euros, but all items must meet the requirement of being at least 40 years old to be considered appropriate for the fair. When an item is older than 100 years it is then considered an antique.
The event also offers the buyer transport options for any larger items purchased. Plus, there is the possibility at some stalls to pay by credit card, and there is a cafeteria, catering services and good parking facilities. IFEPA has recently introduced a new and special reduction in admission fee to anyone who is currently unemployed.
This is an event aimed not only at professionals, collectors and antique lovers, it is available for all those who love to and want to venture into a past world, going back in time and bringing to life, recycling, repairing and restoring items back into the present.
Thousands of popular and sought-after items are available for all pockets and all budgets. Don't miss it!
Thousands of popular and sought-after items are available for all pockets and all budgets. Don't miss it!